Thursday, May 14, 2009

It runs in the family

I am always fascinated by those stories of twins separated at birth that get reunited 30 years later and discover that they have been living such similar lives. It always makes me wonder what life would be like with a twin. I think it would be mischievous and comforting to know that someone could always relate to your situation so thoroughly.

The other day my brother came back home from his foreign endeavors to visit the family and catch up. A lot of good stories were traded, we laughed a lot, and drank some good Russian vodka to wash it all down. At some point during his visit, the talked turned world communications and technology. He and I are always on a quest for the one device that does everything for you (and is free). We are sure it's out there we just need to find it. Anyway, I was messing with his shady, stolen, hacked BlackBerry that he picked up in China and asking him questions about the recent quest developments. Being an avid Berry users I also appreciate how people use their device and the unique styling they add to make it their own.

As I looked down at his, however, I was totally caught by surprise to see that he had a very distinct worn down spot on the back of his Berry in exactly the same place that I do.

This wear is a result of spinning the BlackBerry on its back enough to wear down the plastic. I do this incessantly but have never met another person that does. Well, until I saw my brother's phone. I was very please to see that even 7,000 miles away he and I share some common bonds.
This observation made me think of twins separated at birth stories. It shows too that family genes are a strong bond - stronger than you think.


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