Tuesday, May 12, 2009

When the Cubs play .500 ball

Is it bad to ask the Cubs to play at about .500 for the rest of the season? Yes, it is, but for selfish reasons, I think it's a good idea. Here's why.

I enjoy going to baseball games. I, in fact, really enjoy it. The energy, the rhythm, the sounds and sunshine, they all add something to the experience that makes a day at Wrigley quite amazing. I bet it's the same at many outdoor parks in the league, but since Wrigley is my own and I haven't gone to many other parks, I know little else.

So naturally, I try to get to as many games as I can. Last year I smashed all C.E. personal records and hit about 20 games. But as you may recall, the Cubbies were good in 2008. Right down to the wire we were juggling first place with the Brewers (disclaimer: I don't know if that's true, but I was led to believe it so I'll assume it is fact). As we head into August and September and the Cubs continue to hold the attention of the city ticket prices rise and fans get 'dumber'.

No longer is it possible to walk up at 1:10 and get two choice tickets for the 1:20 matinee. Instead that clown from Schaumburg is paying premium to get into the game raising pricing for all us neighborhood folk (I don't mind Schumburg, it was just stream of consciousness and I moved out of the neighborhood in September so I'm really a poser anyway).

When they play average baseball then there is less interest and fewer people trying to get tickets. Of course I expect them to win every game I'm attending, but that's besides the point.

Oh and the Cubs Win song, Go Cubs Go, I love it!


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