Wednesday, November 30, 2011

When you need real, substantial, or actual advice, where do you go? Who do you speak with or maybe a better question, what is your Google search for good advice. Is it the sort of situation where you can add words like "actual" or "serious" to the front of your query to make Google give you hits that don't include yahoo answers or anything. I wish it were so.

Good advice is hard to find. It's hard to hear too. I think sometimes it's a timing issue. People will say something and I'm like, yep, that's good advice. So it's not that I asked the right question but heard something when I was looking for it.

Perhaps I'll start a search engine that only gives good advice. Or maybe I'll just start listening more, that's a more rational idea.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

begining... perspective

Perspective is important. It has come up a lot lately and I want to mention a thing or two about it. First, it takes time to acquire. Watching college students at Penn State riot about loosing their football coach reminded me of that. Its not that they're in the wrong, I just wonder what they actually get all anxious about. Define it and I'll consider it. If you say it's "the man", then I'll probably ask you to redefine it.

It's also hard to have perspective without the benfit of time. I had to consider my own actions after reading David Brookings NYT article about the very same topic (Penn State). Find it here:

And finally, I have to remember that over the next 10 months as my fiance and I step ever closer to our wedding day. When it gets particularly tangle-y and I'm worked up about what color the napkins are, I hope I can find it in myself to step back and keep it in perspective. My friend Clark gave me that advice today, and I'd like to follow it.